Andrew Robinson ½-½ Ned Carmichael
Kevin Cox 1-0 Ben Snodgrass
Bill Noble 0-1 Angus Clarke
Asa Bayram 1-0 Thaisan Chant
Alex Johnson 0-1 Felix Watts
Thursday 30th January 2020
Durham County Chess Association
Andrew Robinson ½-½ Ned Carmichael
Kevin Cox 1-0 Ben Snodgrass
Bill Noble 0-1 Angus Clarke
Asa Bayram 1-0 Thaisan Chant
Alex Johnson 0-1 Felix Watts
Thursday 30th January 2020
John Findlay ½-½ Guy Vernon
Philip Brooks 0-1 Georgy Ivakmenko
Tony Shires 1-0 Thaisen Chant
Geoff Raw 1-0 Josh Smith
Sean Gardiner 1-0 Elias Hakimi
Wednesday 22nd January 2020
Steve Dauber ½-½ Ken Neat
Kevin Wilson 0-1 Robin Nandi
Steve Ormerod 0-1 Mike Ayton
Jonathan Sams 0-1 Steve Jefferies
Bob Donner 1-0 Defaulted
Monday 20th January 2020
Tom Hill 0-1 David Walker
Melvin Cheung 0-1 Dave Mooney
Ned Carmichael ½-½ Brian Towers
Ashwin Bhat 1-0 Dave Patterson
Ben Snodgrass 1-0 Jay Steel
Monday 20th January 2020
K Delidimoudis 1-0 J Sams
P Bielby 1-0 B Donner
B Towers 1-0 G Hewitt
D Patterson 1-0 W Metcalfe
L Self 1-0 Default
Friday 17th January 2020
John Findlay 0-1 N.Hall
Steve Jefferies 1-0 S.Hall
Charles Hazlerigg 0-1 B.Edgar
Sean Gardiner 0-1 D.Peardon
Geoff Raw 0-1 Jason.Robson
Wednesday 15th January 2020
The Executive Meeting of the Durham County Chess Association, due to take place on 14 January, had to be postponed. A new date will be announced shortly.
Steve Dauber 0-1 David Walker
Kevin Wilson 0-1 David Mooney
Jonathan Sams ½-½ Brian Towers
Richard Harris 1-0 Chris Sayers
Bob Donner 0-1 Jay Steel
Monday 6th January 2020
K. Delidimoudis ½-½ N. Hall
D. Patterson ½-½ S. J. Hall
L. Self 0-1 D. Peardon
J. Riddle 1-0 F. Stobbart
A. Gunasekera 0-1 J. Robson
Thursday 9th January 2020
Thomas Eggleston 1-0 Robin Nandi
Douglas Smith 1-0 Dave Renton
John Findlay 1-0 Geoff Knapton
Charlie Hazlerigg ½-½ Steve Jefferies
Geoff Raw 0-1 Tony Shires
Wednesday 8th January 2020