Bryan Bainbridge took several photos at the Ron Evers Tournament last month – apologies for the delay in posting them.

Durham County Chess Association
Bryan Bainbridge took several photos at the Ron Evers Tournament last month – apologies for the delay in posting them.
The Ron Evers Team Tournament was hosted by Durham University and organised by Bryan Bainbridge on Sunday 1st December.
Nine teams of four (the same as last year) competed in a rating handicap rapidplay event and they finished in the following order:
1 Durham University A (5pts);
2 South Shields A (3.5pts);
3= South Shields B, Thornaby A (3pts);
5= Durham City A, Durham City B (2.5pts);
7= Bishop Auckland, Peterlee (2pts);
9 Thornaby B (1.5pts).
Previously only open to Northumberland players, this event has now been extended to include players from Durham.
It will take place on Saturday 15th June, 11.00 am to 6.00 pm, at Forest Hall Social Club, Errington Terrace, Newcastle NE12 9DQ.
Details and entry form are on the website:
A belated report on the 2024 Durham County Junior Championships, which were organised by Douglas Smith, Kevin Wilson and Ken Neat, and held at Belmont Community Centre on 27th April. The prize-winners were:
The full results can be found on this website:
The 2024 Durham County Congress, organised by Mick Riding, was held at The Dolphin Centre, Darlington, over the weekend of 10-12 May. The winners of the three sections were:
Open –Maksym Larchikov
Major – John Cawston and Nicholas Webb
Minor – James Flint, James Barwise and Neil Druggan
A total of 166 players took part, and the complete scores can be found on the Chess Results website:
Tim Wall has announced that the North East Regional Finals of the EJCOA National Youth Championships are are to be held on Sunday 2nd June at the Tyneside Irish Centre, 44 Gallowgate, Newcastle NE1 4SG.
There are sections for Under 8, Under 10, Under 12, Under 14, Under 16, Under 18 and Under 20(age as of 1 January 2024).
Entries can be made online at:
This 9-round FIDE-rated event is being held at The Word Library (45 Market Place, South Shields, NE33 1DX) on Sunday 7th July, starting at 11.00 am and finishing about 3.00 pm, with a break for lunch. The competition will be in THE ROUND, the top floor exhibition area, with fantastic views overlooking the Tyne.
There will be a limit of 50 players, so you are advised to book in advance to secure a place. Email here to enter or for any further information:
From Mick Riding:
Good Morning.
I have recently been asked to be the Regional Co-ordinator for CSC. There are a couple of obvious immediate challenges here, recruiting trainers and engaging organisations – typically schools – as ‘customers’.
The areas that fall within my remit are Darlington, Durham, Gateshead, Newcastle-upon-Tyne, Northumberland, North Tyneside, South Tyneside and Sunderland.
My initial ask is please can you forward on this mail to your club members and ask them to respond to me directly – – with statement of interest. I will then share more detail wrt terms and conditions plus onboarding steps.
From personal experience I can promise this is a massively rewarding experience and tutors are made very welcome by (typically) teachers and pupils alike.
Thank you – Mick
The Durham County Congress will again be held at the Dolphin Centre, Darlington, over the weekend of 10-12 May. Full details are on the website:
A belated report on the rating handicap Ron Evers Team Tournament, which was hosted by Durham University and organised by Bryan Bainbridge on Sunday 3rd December.
Nine teams competed (compared with just four last year), and they finished in the following order:
1= Durham University A, Durham City D, South Shields;
4 Durham City A;
5= Durham City B, Durham City C, Hartlepool;
8 Bishop Auckland;
9 Durham University B
A few photos from the event:
The organiser Bryan Bainbridge announces the winners.
The University A team – joint winners.
South Shields top board Chris Sayers in action against George Gazis.
Krishna Lal and Fedir Dyshliuk. the youngest members of the Durham City D team, with the Ron Evers Trophy.